Spring 出的玩意真是太多了,繼Spring Data後,最近又開始使用Spring Integration,那到底Spring Integration是用來幹什麼呢? 要跟什麼"Integration"?
Spring 一開始設計的出發點,是要讓系統內部各個元件 (component) 和 building blocks 可以自由的組合,並且透過 Inversion of Control 達到鬆耦合(loosely coupled)的設計理念。但是一旦涉及到系統與系統間的整合,就不是 spring 當初設計理念的專長了。
為了增加Spring 在大型系統整合的能力,Spring 必須提出新的擴充功能(Extension),並且達到以下目標:
- Provide a simple model for implementing complex enterprise integration solutions.
- Facilitate asynchronous, message-driven behavior within a Spring-based application.
- Promote intuitive, incremental adoption for existing Spring users.
- Components should be loosely coupled for modularity and testability.
- The framework should enforce separation of concerns between business logic and integration logic.
- Extension points should be abstract in nature but within well-defined boundaries to promote reuse and portability.
Source: Spring integration
Spring Integration AMQP RabbitMQ
下圖以一個叫做eBond 的系統範例,來說明Spring Integration與AMQP 和 RabbitMQ 之間的關係。嗯嗯不過我還沒搞清楚,何時要用Spring integration 的設定,何時要直接用AMQP的設定,這方面仍須研究清楚....
[1] Spring Integration Overview
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