今天在找資料間無意看到這篇文章 Architecture and Design Practices for Agile Project Management,如何規畫才可以減少衝突?
首先參考下圖,節錄至agilemodeling的網站,裡面有提到關於 iteration0的存在[1],而Agile modeling 網站描述如下:
During "iteration 0", the first iteration of an agile project, you need to get your project organized and going in the right direction. Part of that effort is the initial requirements envisioning and architecture envisioning so that you are able to answer critical questions about the scope, cost, schedule, and technical strategy of your project

也就是說的確在初期,會做到某種程度的Architecture design以及 model define,但是Days是多久? 但要做到怎樣的程度?
[1] Agile Architecture Interactions
[2] The software architecture role in agile methodologies
[3] Agile Architecture: Strategies for Scaling Agile Development
[4] How To - Design Using Agile Architecture
[5] From User Stories to Architecture
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