2014年10月2日 星期四

[筆記] how to start a startup - 1 with Alpha Camp

圖片來源:how to start a startup

上星期去參加ALPHA Camp所主辦的how to start a startup 電影欣賞會討論會,主要的內容就是在一間很大的教室觀看由 Y-combinator 的執行長 Sam Altman 在史丹佛大學開辦為期 10 週的 "How to Start a Startup" (課程官網)系列課程影片。



Y Combinator Startup Class #1 
 Ideas, Products, Teams and Execution (Part 1)

Y Combinator Startup Class #1 
Ideas, Products, Teams and Execution (Part 2) 


1. Idea (This seem bad , this is good) —> why now to build a startup ?  —> Market


2. Product (Any thing relation with customer)

Build something user love
(from intensity —> like —>love)

#Fanatical 鐵桿粉絲


3 Company

A. Co-founders

     Find co-founders —> know your co-founders

     YC 得經驗2~3 co-founders  是比較好的

B. Try not to hire

     As small as possible

C. Get the best people (If you have to hire)


     Founders 大概花25% 得時間在找人
     Mediocre engineers do not build great company

     用Amazon 的 fought bar 要找比自己厲害的人

     Source of candidate  —> 透過referral (找認識的人)
          Are they smart?
          Do they get things done?
          Do i want to spend a lot of time around them?

     Referral Interview:

          Why do you hire he/she?
          Will you hire he/she again?

          Good communication skill
          Manically determined
          Pass the animal test
          Would feel ————————————?

D. You’ve hired the best - now keep  them around!

E. Fire fast
     equality ?

     smart people 總是可以很快適應不同rule 和功能 (學習速度快)
     If co-founders  work in different location ….don’t do it!

4. Execution

     The CEO has five jobs:
          1. Set the vision
          2. Raise money
          3. Evangelize
          5. Make sure the entire company executes
                    Can you get it done?
                         1. what are you spend time and money?
                         2. Say no a lot
                         3. Set overarching goals. Repeat them.
                         4. Communicate
                         5. Maintain growth and momentum
                         6. work together in person.
                         0. Startup 是最不可能跟生活平衡的工作~
                         1. Speed [ Every time your talk to them they’ve gotten new things done ] 
                                   . Quick
                                   . Do whatever it take
                                   . show up
                        [ Always keep momentum —> Always keep growing]
                         不是靠演講/激勵可以維持動能,sales fix everything!
                       2. Set an operating rhythm

                              1. shipping product

                   [Don’t make a lot of money you have]

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