Source:The Role of the Agile Architect
文章"Agile(Scrum)與Architecture是否有矛盾或衝突 (1)",我就繼續上網搜尋一堆大師對對於Agile 與 Architecture 的看法,以及一些所謂的Best practice,第一個看到的文章就是 Community Roundtable: Agility versus Architecture,我整理出這篇文章的一些重點如下:P. Shepherd
如果High Level Architecture 沒有設計好,那你將會建立一個對於整體而言沒有長期可行性,或是價值的系統。
很多人不喜歡看企業等級(enterprise level)的架構,他們喜歡快速的跳到技術細節去,但是他們往往會遺失了幾個重點,如果你沒有規劃好系統能力和關鍵的訊息,整個架構將會非常脆弱與傾倒。因此對我來說敏捷(Agile)常常會等同於衝動(impulsive)。人們把Agile視為非常快,非常快的一種方法,但卻沒有深入了解,它應該是真正的敏捷和不只是衝動。
I see a conflict between Agile and Architecture!?
所以依照這個key word:Conflict between agile and architecture一搜尋,馬上就找到一堆文章在探討這個議題。
- The conflict between agile and architecture (part 1)
- InfoQ:Agile and Architecture Conflict
- The conflict between agile and architecture – myth or reality?
- Conflict between Agile and Architecture
- Agile Architecture Revolution: a new buzz, a new dream, or a new reality?
- The Role of the Agile Architect
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