
2014年3月15日 星期六

Lean Analytic - 即時 Web 與 Mobile 流量分析系統

今天要介紹是的工具是從Lean Analytic 這本書裡面看到的即時 Web 與 Mobile 流量分析系統,話說不是有免費版的Google Analytic就夠了嘛?為什麼還需要另外花錢去使用其他的分析工具呢?

根據我的理解,Google Analytic 是一個非常強大的工具平台,可以容許你產生高度客製化的報表,但是相對的你對於資料分析(or Growth Hacking)必須很在行,你必須了解各種分析模型與矩陣(Analytic Framework and Metric),還必須知道該從何處取得資料,透過Google Analytic 產生有用的報表,不然Google Analytic 所以預設產生的都只是最基本的報表。

50+ Google Analytics Resources – The 2014 Edition 這篇文章就是Kissmetrics所提供的教學,告訴要能善用Google Analytic 你必須學會這麼多!(那還不如花點小錢來用我們工具?XD)

下面列出書裡面有提到的幾個較有名的工具(當然還有其他更多選擇,等待各位去發掘) 都是基於常用和重要的Analytic Framework 來製作,並且每家有著自己的強項與不同的分析著眼點。


這個分析工具的特色是Detail 到追蹤每個客戶,並且為每個客戶建立Profile,已經有點類似CRM系統!?非常適合電子商務類型網站。

With most analytic tools, customer data gets split up every time a new device gets used. With KISSmetrics, all of your customer data gets added to the original customer profile each time someone signs in. It doesn't matter how many devices they use, which platforms they're on, or how long it's been since they logged in. All of your customer data will be right where it should be.


重視即時監控透過Dashboard 呈現網站/企業營收當前的狀態
Geckoboard monitors your business’s vital signs – don’t wait, see it live on a business dashboard as it happens. Focus on what matters and react faster to important events


Mixpanel追蹤的是行為,Mixpanel希望協助你更深入的了解使用者的行為,基本上Lean Analytic所提到的分析方法他都有提供。

Mixpanel's power lies in giving you the ability to learn more from your data by being able to ask increasingly important and complex questions. Most analytics products limit insights to basic trend lines, showing for example "number of homepage visits" over time. Mixpanel goes further by enabling you to ask more of your data.



Delivering recurring value is the key to customer success.  Managing churn and renewals is necessary.  But you also need to understand each customer's health and status so you can focus your time and resources on bringing them value, engaging with them in a more meaningful manner, and ultimately maximizing revenue from each customer


嗯...感覺就是比較華麗版的google analytic...XD
Chartbeat's real-time traffic and audience-behavior data shows you who's on your site and how they're engaging with your content right now — so you can take action on what matters when it matters.


[1] Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster - How to Keep Score(1)
[2] Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster - Data driven vs Data Informed
[3] Growth hacking by measure conversion
[4] 精實創業之虛榮指數(Vanity metric) 

