也許想要在Scrum 團隊建立個人績效評估系統,這本身就是一個錯誤的命題,因為Scrum是以team為單位,看的是整體的產出,不過在一般企業又會需要對個人做績效考核(不管是為了升遷、加給、甚至解雇都得要有個依據)。而待過大公司的人可能都填過類似MBO,或是360評量的系統,但是總覺得形式大於實質意義,只是要給HR收集數據,但是對於公司營運和團隊成長真得有幫助嗎?作法跟Scrum的精神也格格不入......
所以我上網找了許多文章,看到這篇深得我心,這是ebay團隊的2012年的篇 blog - Now You See It: A Peer Feedback System for Scrum Teams
But how about the individual’s performance within the team? I’m not supposed to micro-manage each person, but it seems the Scrum team becomes a ‘black hole’ to me, and I lose sight of each team member’s performance behind the ‘event horizon’.”
對於一個成功的公司和團隊歸納出一個framework ,主要分為四個部分:
- product success (which is shared by team members)
- peer feedback (which distinguishes among team members)
- self-development
- management tasks.
而這幾個部分裡面 team 之間的peer feedback 就變成對於個人績效評估的重要指標!在這邊他們做出了八個問題,其中1~6題都是對團隊所有成員匿名評分(包含自評),而每個問題又可以根據團隊的需求加以解釋:
- Q1: Communication — This is the foundation of human interaction and teamwork.
- Q2: Quality — One’s defect has a negative impact on the other team members, and ultimately on the overall quality and productivity of the team.
- Q3: Collaboration — We value building consensus and seeking win-win outcomes over just getting one’s own work done (i. e., “self-suboptimizing”: focusing on one’s own tasks rather than considering the team as a whole).
- Q4: Continuous Improvement — By improving oneself and helping others to improve, the capabilities of the overall team increase.
- Q5: Role Sharing — The willingness and ability to share responsibilities bi-directionally outside of one’s functional silo makes the team more robust.
- Q6: Energizing — An individual can positively influence the team, especially in tough times, instead of finger-pointing and dragging down team morale.
- Q7: Overall Satisfaction — “If you had a choice, would you continue working with this team member?”
- Q8: Other Comments
第七題和第八題就是bonus 題,此外最重要的一點就是
no question about how much a team member contributes to the team!
因為他們主張,假使一個Jr. RD可能產能比不上一個Sr. RD但是他的加入和貢獻可能跟膠水一樣可以幫助團對成長和運作更順暢,同樣的如果以個Sr. RD在怎麼厲害,但是讓團隊受傷或是產能降低都不是好現象。
- 這個方法對團隊是否真得能產生幫助?
- 我們想要達成的目標是什麼?
- 想要解決的問題是什麼?