
2016年2月6日 星期六

到底應該選擇怎樣的Linux Distros for Cloud?


自從看到這個投影片- Beyond DevOps - How Netflix Bridges the Gap 後就讓我耿耿於懷,選CentOS 臭了嗎!?居然被Neflix 說是技術債....Orz..


Redhat vs ubuntu

Hardly, if you pick legit Free Software, then you're probably okay either way. Good luck! (這真的很中肯~XD)

The problem you might run into is that RH keeps their releases around for about ten
years versus Ubuntu which is every two. So you have to ask yourself if you really want
to migrate this app to a new host every 5 years. Depending on other stuff you might
have going on, that might be asking for too much

Ubuntu is definitely more Developer focused whereas RHEL systems are more Enterprise focused.

What Linux Server shoudl I go for ?

Then, if you need a virtualisation host, choose Centos.
I have seen the Virtual machines required less CPU resources on Centos than on Ubuntu.

The Best Linux Distros of 2016

  • Best Enterprise Distro: SLE/RHEL
  • Best Server OS: Debian/CentOS

以傳統企業來說,CentOS/RHEL 就是穩定,Maintain 週期非常長....

但是到了Cloud 的年代來說,這一切就不一定是絕對了,一來IaaS 上的機器與環境非常亂,所以不穩定可能就是他的本質,那在不穩定的環境下,要怎麼最快取得新的patch,新的功能,新的工具可能就變的很重要? 在上面文章就有提到Ubuntu 可能是對於Develpoer 比較友善,因為有很多新工具,更新頻率也夠快,再加上近幾年DevOps盛行,在系統維運上不再是Dev 與 Ops 分開,如何讓Production Ops 的環境與Dev的環境越接近越好是最重要的議題。

下面整理的就是Ubuntu 這幾年來在Cloud會如此火紅的資料整理:

Ubuntu Linux continues to rule the cloud (2015) 

Ubuntu is more than twice as popular on the Amazon cloud as all other operating systems combined. (AWS 佔IaaS 市場57% Azure 12% 其中AWS最受歡迎的是Ubuntu)

OpenStack users share how their deployments stack up (2015)
作業系統 ubuntu 55% centos 29%
Deploy  puppet 56% ansible 26%

Hacker News: Ubuntu continues to rule the cloud

A big reason why it dominates the cloud is tons of web developers use Ubuntu as their desktop Linux of choice. It's really very convenient to develop and deploy on the same OS. I don't think its accurate to say "The desktop is a nice add-on, but it's not Canonical's focus nor should it be." (因為Develpoer 愛...XD)

Yet, 100% of EC2 is built with RHEL/CentOS + Xen.[1][2]
Ubuntu was the default VM when they launched EC2, so most users naturally just used the default. But even in Amazon's eyes, when doing "serious" server work, reach for a purpose-built server distro -- not a jack-of-all-trades.
[1] http://www.zdnet.com/article/amazon-ec2-cloud-is-made-up-of-...
[2] http://bleikertz.com/blog/amazon_ec2_underlying_architecture...

Microsoft Agrees Linux(ubuntu) is Best for Cloud

Realizing that Ubuntu is simply the best solution for them, Microsoft is now encouraging people to use that operating system for their cloud needs.

10 Reasons Why Ubuntu Is Killing It In The Cloud

  1. Docker users love Ubuntu
  2. Ubuntu is the most preferred Vagrant Box 
  3. In 2015, over 2 million Ubuntu instances were launched in the cloud
  4. 51% of OpenStack deployments are powered by Ubuntu
  5. Wikipedia and Wikimedia are powered by Ubuntu
  6. Walmart’s cloud runs on Ubuntu
  7. PaaS is powered by Ubuntu
  8. The most advanced supercomputer runs Ubuntu
  9. Snappy Ubuntu can run on mobile to cloud
  10. Ubuntu runs some of the largest cloud deployments

最後一篇文章引用了許多來自Ubuntu 的文章 - How many people in the world use Ubuntu? More than anyone actually knows

我覺得最後這幾篇文章的重點就是Docker....因為Docker 太多base image 都是來自Ubuntu...:P


