
2014年1月27日 星期一

各種語言熱門 CMS(Content Management System) 整理一覽表


不會寫程式也可以輕鬆架網站?這應該就是CMS(Content Management System) 最吸引人的地方吧,而且老實說很多時候就算你會寫程式和網站,也不一定真的需要自己重頭刻一個,如果能Based on CMS 上面在去客製化速度也比較快。(以接案或Time to Market 的Startup?) 





Java 界一如往常的,Solution 多的眼花撩亂,隨手列出幾個比較熱門的Solution


那現在最火紅的NodeJS呢?Google 了一下也真不少耶...不知道會不會有全面取代PHP的一天
  • keystonejs
    • Node.js content management system and web application platform built on express and mongo
  • calipso
    • Calipso is a simple content management system, built along similar themes to Drupal and Wordpress, that is designed to be fast, flexible and simple ... and of course this site is running on Calipso!
  • Hatch.js 
    • Hatch is an open source CMS platform, fast, flexible and extendable, built from the ground up to support today's expectations – simple, beautiful, responsive and social.
  • Apostrophe 2
    • Apostrophe is a content management system designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve.The interface is ergonomic. All content editing is performed in context.
  • Nodize
    • Nodize is an open source Content Management System for Node.js, written in CoffeeScript.
  • ghost (比較像 Blog 平台)
  • jslardo
    • jslardo is a sort of a social cms, based on node.js and mongodb. users are able to register to the application, create their own models (mongoose schemas), views, controllers, websites and pages. all management is done without writing code, and all user contents (the data, but also models/views and controllers) are shareable between registered users.

Ruby on Rail 版

  •  Adva-cms
    • adva-cms lives in vendor directory and keeps your main app directory clean and dandy. So you can reclaim app directory and use it
      only for your own application files.
  • Browsercms
    • BrowserCMS supports larger teams of editors, has a robust set of features as part of its core, allows for varied permission models, and is customizable via modules.
  • Casein
    • Casein is an open-source CMS for Ruby on Rails, originally developed by Spoiled Milk.
  • Locomotivecms
    • LocomotiveCMS is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end technology, standard development process and no-learning time for your client
  • Radiant CMS
    • Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams
  • refinerycms
    • Refinery CMS is perfect for creating custom content manageable websites. We use "The Rails Way" where possible so you have to learn as little as possible to get started!

