
2013年3月31日 星期日

[Ingress] High Density of Dropped Resonators Forced colse Attack/Defense

Two weeks ago we builded a L8 x 14 portal farm in Taiwan, and had a great Harvest.

This week, even more we build a L8 x 16 portal in same place. But we all hit the limit of resources we can carry. So many of our friends start to drop some low level resonators , such as L5,L6. I guest there are more than 1k resonators over there. Then the tragedy happend....

Everyone's ingress forced to be closed. The apps crash!! Even people who use portal key want to remote charge portal got the same result. I look into the stack trace see IllegalArgumentException:Vertex count large than usable with GL_SIGNED_SHOT

PS. Vertex count is the array divided by the size of the vertex ex. (x,y) or (x,y,z)

So We cannot hack those portal , neither the resistance can attack our portal.

We call this action as High Density of Dropped Resonators Forced colse Attack/Defense (something like Ddos...XD )

