
2012年9月15日 星期六

Standford 線上課程 The Lean LaunchPad

Source: edvardas

話說我腦充血買了The Startup Owner's Manual 之後,閱讀的進度卻十分緩慢,在偶然的機會下發現這本書的作者 Steve Blank,以這本書為教材在Stanford Technology Ventures Program有開一門叫做The Lean LaunchPad – Teaching Entrepreneurship as a Management Science的課程,而現在我們也不需要乾瞪眼了,因為整個課程已經放在網路上可以讓大家免費上課了!! (這個年代真的是只要有心學習,資源越來越隨手可得啊~~)


  • Lecture 1: What We Now Know

    Why startups are not smaller versions of large companies
  • Lecture 2: Business Models and Customer Development

    How to articulate and test hypotheses
  • Lecture 3: Value Proposition

    How do you find your minimum viable product?
  • Lecture 4: Customer Segments

    How do you find your customer archetype?
  • Lecture 5: Channels

    How does your product gets to customers?
  • Lecture 6: Customer Relations

    How do you get, keep and grow customers?
  • Lecture 7: Revenue Models

    How do you make your money?
  • Lecture 8: Partners

    Who are your partners and suppliers?
  • Lecture 9: Resources, Activities and Costs

    What is most important for the business?

現在就趕快去註冊和上課吧,How to Build a Startup (ep245)

