2013年2月15日 星期五

RoyalTSX - 好用的Mac 遠端連線管理工具


如果你是Windows 的使用者,而且需要管理大量的機器,那你很有可能聽過mRemote這個軟體,話說我以前都是傻傻的在用putty,後來在偶然的機會下看到同事在用這套軟體,覺得非常好用馬上就學了起來。


mRemote 這個軟體對於系統管理者來說真的非常有幫助,尤其是你遇到以下情境:
  • 你要管理許多虛擬化的環境時,且有各種虛擬化平台 (Xen、Kvm、Vmware...等)
  • 你要管理的機器散佈在各家Iaas (HiCloud、Amazon、Linode...等)
  • 你要管理一整個機架或是Datacenter
  • 你要管理的機器充滿各種作業系統 (Windows、Linux...等)

野人獻曝管理法 - 資料夾管理法

mRemote 對我來說最方變得就是資料夾管理功能,這樣我就可以根據不同的群組,不同的機器來做管理,如下圖所示:






於是我就開始尋找是否有屬於Mac類似的mRemote的軟體,結果還真的有耶,就是 Royaltsx,其實Royaltsx跟mRemote 是系出同源,因為mRemote的作者為了餬口飯吃:

Dear mRemote users,

while I had a blast creating & improving an open source product that gained a lot of popularity over the years, priorities in life change. And they change as fast as the IT business does. If you reached this page, you probably know what I'm talking about and hopefully can understand the decisions I made now and in the previous years.
So, without any further ado, I'd like to inform you that development on mRemote has ceased (it actually has since 2009) and I won't be giving support for it anymore, neither on this page nor per Email or any other medium.
I'd very much appreciate if you could give the Royal TS family of products a spin to see if it fits your bill. We put a lot of effort into creating a true cross-platform experience that was not available in the industry up until now, and we'd love to see you take part of that movement.
At last, I want to thank you for supporting me throughout the years and I hope we meet each other on the "Royal side". ;-)
Felix Deimel,
Creator of Royal TSX & mRemote

以他就停止了mRemote的維護與支援,轉而開始開發RoyalTSX 的開發,RoyalTSX除了延續mRemote的方便外,更增加了許多安全的機制,比如說開啟這個軟體也需要密碼,免得你帳號密碼都輸入好了,有心人士只要拿到你電腦就可以登入所有電腦,此外他除了支援Windows外還支援Mac和iOS。


(試用版有連線個數的限制,所以請支持正版,讓好的軟體可以繼續生存下去~:D )

PS. mRemote後來還是有Open Source版本繼續在維護叫做 mRemoteNG

[1] mRemoteNG
[2] Gnome Connection Manager

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